Report a Commonwealth crime

Matters referred to the AFP are categorised and prioritised and not all matters result in the commencement of an investigation. Reports submitted via this form are usually triaged in business hours (Monday – Friday: 8am – 4pm) only.

Call 000 or your local police if you are concerned for the immediate safety of yourself or another, or if a crime is imminent or in progress.

Acceptance of AFP's Privacy Statement
Privacy Statement Acceptance * I have read and understand the AFP's Privacy Statement. I understand that the information and clickstream data which the AFP obtains from my use and submission of this webform may be used for the purposes of identifying me, sharing with other law enforcement and government agencies or for criminal investigations and/or legal proceedings.

Report details

Which Commonwealth crime would you like to report? *

Visit the AFP website for further information Commonwealth crimes

(limit of 3000 characters)

Offender's details

Your contact details

Do you require a response?